Monday, June 13, 2011

Philosophy podcast!

Woo! How exciting!

Okay, seriously, the blog is pretty cool and Glenn Peoples seems reasonable enough that I'm going to plug the podcast even before I've listened to an episode. I'm gonna download a bunch at once and listen to them on my way to work for the next few days. I still haven't gotten all the way through my Alvin Plantinga reader, but I do enjoy reading someone who can combine theology with serious philosophical chops.

And if you like his podcast, throw some coin his way. As he says, being a philosophy PhD isn't terribly lucrative outside the walls of academe.


  1. You're accusing me of being materialistic and then flacking a physicalist podcast? :/

  2. A sharp criticism; all I can say is I had not encountered that aspect of his philosophy when I posted and that it is to be deplored.

    On the other hand, one swallow does not a summer make and I think there is enough ore among the dross to make listening worthwhile.

  3. I wasn't suggesting he shouldn't be listened to, merely chafing at what felt like a double-standard.

  4. You have the dubious advantage of being my brother, while he is a stranger from the Antipodes.
