It is my wife's birthday tomorrow. We will, of course, celebrate tomorrow with gifts and food and whatnot. But we were able to get someone to mind the children today, so today I will be taking my wife out to eat and we will most likely take in a movie.
Because my wife is awesome, she wanted to go, not to some fancy-pants restaurant where the appetizer costs enough to feed a family of 6 for a week, but to an burger joint. No, no, no, not one of those generic fast-food franchises, some place that takes a bit of pride in their cooking, but doesn't insist on you wearing a tie and speaking French to order.
Also! We intend to see the movie The Secret World of Arrietty if we can manage to find an appropriate showtime, since it's been in theaters a while. It is a Miyazaki film, so even if it's not great, it ought to still be one of the better films so far this year.
I promise, I will make the post about mystery authors. I just haven't had time to sit down and do it properly yet.
Happy birthday from the internet!!