The Club is one of the most genial places on the internet. You must not mention golf or fish, however, and if the motion is carried at the next meeting, you will not be allowed to mention wireless either.
An argument is made for writers needing to read in quantity for their writing to be of quality. A guest post by an editor at Tor books, Jim Frenkel, at the LJ of L. Jagi Lamplighter.
I'm really glad that you posted this. It's too infrequently that I think about the process of writing or how to improve mine. I ought to more often and more deliberately sit down and read something that stands a good chance of making my writing better.
I'm really glad that you posted this. It's too infrequently that I think about the process of writing or how to improve mine. I ought to more often and more deliberately sit down and read something that stands a good chance of making my writing better.