Wednesday, September 7, 2011

To quote Mr. Plant's been a long time. I feel a little overwhelmed by my brother's relentless pace of new posts (well, technically, it relents for a day or two here and there, but always comes back with a vengeance). As our reader(s) may have noticed, my mien is more the obsessive lingering on a single subject until it has long since lost its interest to everyone else.

I've been trying to figure out what exactly I've been doing with the bulk of my time, since I don't watch as many movies as K, or read as many books (though that difference alone is probably entirely or very nearly in the pace at which I read, not in the number of hours dedicated to it), nor do I work as many hours at traditional salaried work. In fact, I'm pretty sure I do only one thing significantly more hours than K (if we lump all web browsing together instead of demarcating discrete topics), and that is writing fiction.

As I've linked my writing to my secret identity, but my anonymity on this blog is important to me, I cannot really link to it from here or promote it. In fact, I don't know that I have much interesting to say on this blog at all, though perhaps I'll link to something strange I stumble upon (in the original figurative sense) on the web.

1 comment:

  1. Balderdash, sir! I say, I say, balderdash!

    You've got about four posts saved on various topics that you just haven't bothered to finish and post. Get to it, sonny.
